Ben and Jackie Gillies welcomed their twin boys in October, 2021. The pair had decided early on that they would collect their sons’ cord blood and tissue at birth and store it with Cell Care. Simply put, it was like having a little extra insurance on the future health of their family.
After a long and bumpy IVF journey, Ben and Jackie were over the moon to welcome their two boys, Bonham and Rocco, into the world on Friday, 15 October.
The pair had heard about stem cell banking, and decided to look into it during Jackie’s pregnancy.
Umbilical cord blood and tissue are rich in powerful stem cells that can only be collected at birth. A baby’s umbilical cord stem cells are a perfect match for your child, and have a higher likelihood of matching a sibling. Cord blood has been used in the treatment of over 80 health conditions including some cancers, blood and immune disorders. Through ongoing research into stem cell therapies, the number of treatable conditions continues to grow.
“After doing our research, we knew we wanted to take the opportunity to store our boys’ stem cells.”
“The process was seamless. Once you’ve signed on, your Cell Care box is delivered straight to you. You take the collection box with you to the hospital and hand it over to the medical staff – and that’s it. Your obstetrician does the rest. It’s quick, easy, painless and stress free!”
“To be honest, we hope the boys never have to use the stem cells stored with Cell Care. But, it give us peace of mind knowing that in an emergency we have the stem cells on hand. We highly recommend storing your child’s stem cells. It gives us that extra level of protection, we hope to never need.”
Ben and Jackie Gillies