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Cord blood banking may help other family members in the future

The potential for cord blood stem cells to treat life-threatening conditions was a key motivator for Tabetha Couri to store her son’s stem cells at birth.Tabetha Couri

“Consider the fact that we don’t know what the future holds. This is one way we can guarantee that our children have an extra opportunity to fight any unforeseen illnesses and in storing they can help other members of their own family.”

Tabetha first became aware of the potential to store her baby’s cord blood and tissue stem cells when speaking with Cell Care at a Sydney expo and was encouraged by the opportunities that family cord banking provides. “We already have 2 older sons and the fact that this could help any of our 3 boys provides us with a great peace of mind.”

Cord blood and tissue collection is quick, safe and painless for both mother and baby, and Tabetha was impressed with Cell Care’s collection process amidst her emergency cesarean section. “The collection process was hassle free and very professional. I had to have an emergency c section and after making the call to the labour line I was impressed at the speed they managed to get a collector out and also the following day when the collector came to take the cells [from] the hospital.”

Tabetha Couri, NSW, December 2017.


The Cell Care information pack provides valuable information about storing your baby’s stem cells. Get your copy from the link below.


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