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Refund PolicyRefund Policy

Pregnancy and birth can be an unpredictable process and this may impact the volume of cord blood collected or the ability to collect cord blood and tissue at all.

While it happens infrequently, if we are unable to collect and store your baby’s cord blood or tissue, refunds will be assessed as follows:

Collection and Storage

In the event:

  • cord blood and tissue cannot be collected or stored Cell Care will refund all monies paid
  • you order cord blood + tissue and one of these products cannot be collected at birth, your payment plan will revert to either a cord blood only plan or cord tissue only plan



If you elect to cancel this contract prior to the birth of your baby and:

  • your collection kit has not been dispatched, your deposit will be refunded in full; or
  • your collection kit has been dispatched, your deposit will be retained in full; or
  • your deposit is non-refundable under the terms and conditions of a specific promotional offer you enrolled under, your deposit will be retained in full.